Reiki 1 & 2 - with Shamanic Energy
February 8, 2025
11am - 5pm - Pleasant Ridge, MI
Complete Reiki 1 & 2 training with Shamanic energy and journeying techniques
Includes: Light lunch, the foundations of Reiki 1 & 2, your Reiki workbooks - printed and digital, attunements or activations, Reiki 1 & 2 certificates, the Shamanic Journey Practice - Journey Meditation eBook, healing music and drumming MP3s, an Energy Tracking Journal and Journey Meditation MP3s and in class practice!​
The subtle energy of Reiki combined with Shamanic Energy Healing are ideal teachings for both the complete novice who is brand new to Reiki and journey work, as well as the more experienced Practitioner and/or Reiki Masters. Whether you have been practicing for years or are just discovering the teachings you will find something new to incorporate into your everyday life for healing, relaxation, stress relief and over all well-being, for yourself, your family, your friends (furry ones, too), your clients.
Register below - Give yourself the gift of energy healing therapies that you can begin using immediately!
In these tumultuous times, we need all the grounding and clarity we can get!
(Registration closes Feb. 1, 2025)

“Science shows us that everything is made up of energy. It's in the building block of all matter. The same energy that composes your body is also the one that makes up bricks of the house you live in. Your car, phone, animals, trees, you name it, are all composed of energy.”
R​eiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese system of natural holistic healing used in stress reduction and relaxation founded by Dr. Mikayo Usui. ​ANYONE can learn Reiki. Anyone can use Reiki in their lives! It's one of the first energy healing therapies I was introduced to over 30 years ago! AND it's one of the easiest to learn.
It is not a religion or a belief – it is a practice that uses universal – source - energies to promote healing. ​
That universal energy is PURE LOVE.
​The term Reiki itself comes from two words: Rei meaning Universal or "Spiritual Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki meaning "life force". The energy works on different levels, ON ALL LEVELS – physical, mental/emotional and spiritual, enhancing everything in life.
A Reiki healing session, whether self-generated or by a Reiki professional, generally includes the laying of hands above specific areas along the chakra system, various parts of the body, and where pain, blocks or dis-ease are present. Reiki is available to anyone, in any capacity or spiritual practice, and is in use by literally millions of people all over the world, of all ages and all backgrounds.
​ (Registration closes Feb. 1, 2025)
Once payment has been made you will receive an email with complete details including location,
bonuses page and suggestions for your success!
Please reach out if alternate payment arrangements need to be made!
Shamanic practice is the oldest spiritual tradition – found as a basis for most religions. A shaman navigates between invisible and visible worlds for healing, messages, tracking and soul work. They work to bring restoration and harmony to individuals, animals, communities and the planet. Almost every culture includes some history of a Shaman, a person who interacts with both the physical and spiritual world. Typically, they connect with benevolent spirits and guides to assist in healing and ritual. The language may be different, yes. The practice is similar cross the globe.
Similar to Reiki, Shamanic Energy Clearing follows chakras or energy belts and meridians as an ethereal map, combined with intuitive practices and collaborating with unseen, benevolent helpers. Much of this work can be done through a journey. The Journey Meditation is through creating an intentional connection with spirit allies or guides. I call them my Cosmic Council. Together we set the intention to clearing energy blocks and restoring vitality at the soul level.
The soul is the essence of every being that is not "physical". It is the energetic makeup of who we are. Many believe that the soul is like a current of light that has traveled lifetimes and is a spark from creation. Every soul is as unique as the stars.
Reiki and Shamanic Energy Clearing bridge these powerful ancient energy practices together to create a unique environment for healing on all levels. These practices are available for anyone! As a an Energy Healing Therapist and Shamanic Practitioner it is my great honor to show up and share the tools I have learned to help you activate your own inner healer!
My training is multi-cultural and diverse, allowing me to connect with my own lineage and ancestry, as well as incorporate techniques from elders and teachers from around the globe.
​ (Registration closes Feb. 1, 2025)
Once payment has been made you will receive an email with complete details including location,
bonuses page and suggestions for your success!
Please reach out if alternate payment arrangements need to be made!
My first experience with a formal training in energy healing techniques and journey meditation was over 30 years ago, with Reiki as the basis for those teachings. As someone who has been clean and sober for 33 years I can tell you first hand they can be life changing, for you and everyone in your life! If for no other reason than they help you to become a better, more harmonious, version of yourself. Over time, I learned several other healing modalities. Reiki is, by far, the easiest to learn and incorporate into your life!
The teachings in this class include: the foundations of Reiki 1 & 2, your Reiki workbooks - printed and digital, attunements or activations, Reiki 1 & 2 certificates, the Shamanic Journey Practice - Journey Meditation eBook, healing music and drumming MP3s, an Energy Tracking Journal and Journey Meditation MP3s
and in class practice!
During this workshop you will practice hands on self healing, as well as practice on other students individually and a group session. It's my belief that the best way to learn Reiki, Journeying and Energy Clearing Therapies is to practice them. Everyday! Either on yourself, animals, family, friends, clients.
Energy is everything and everything is always changing and moving - creating stressors and disrupters on our lives. Creating STRESS! Stress is our response, physically and emotionally, to those changes Sometimes it’s good stress and sometimes it’s not so good stress. Sometimes it's very sudden and traumatic. When those changes are extreme and prolonged, fearful and painful, it can be deadly. With practice, these Soul Care techniques can help you create a greater sense of overall well-being.
​​​​​​Whether you have been a regular Reiki practitioner and/or journeying for years or are new to the concepts, you will find something in this workshop to elevate your life - to come back to again and again! Plus, you have the added benefit of being with a community who is here to witness your own soul's path to good health.​
Once payment has been made you will receive an email with complete details including location,
bonuses page and suggestions for your success!
Please reach out if alternate payment arrangements need to be made!
​ (Registration closes Feb. 1, 2025)
Thank you for being here, for trusting me on your soul's journey through this life! It's an honor for me to whare what I know, in the hopes that it will help you live a more soulfully connecting life.
See you in the workshop! Love, Teri